
What Is an Overbite and How Can It Be Fixed?

Posted On: November 23, 2022

An overbite is the overlapping of upper teeth in relation to the lower teeth. This malocclusion can be hereditary, however it can also be caused by prolonged use of a pacifier, bottle, or excessive thumb sucking. An overbite is often the result of over-crowded teeth or skeletal issues in the jaw.

Different Types of Overbite

There are different types of overbites, and different types of malocclusion (misalignment of the jaw). The two types of malocclusions that are considered an overbite are:

  1. Class 1 Malocclusion (neutrocclusion)- This is the most common type of misalignment where the upper teeth go in front of the lower teeth, but there is still a normal bite occurring.
  2. Class 2 Malocclusion (distocclusion)- When the upper jaw and teeth more severely overlap the lower teeth and jaw. The term “buck teeth” or “overjet” is often associated with type of bite issue.

What does the term “overjet” mean?

Many people may hear the term overjet and get it confused with an overbite. Although they are related, they are not the same thing. Overjet is the distance that the top teeth are sitting ahead of the lower teeth. For example, a normal overjet is three millimeters. People with  severe overjet, may have a measurement of ten millimeters!

To learn more about the different types of malocclusion, click here.

Why it’s important to correct and overbite

Correcting an overbite is more than just changing the physical appearance of a person’s smile. This will improve a person’s overall health and well-being. Depending on the severity of the malocclusion, overbites can lead to:

  • Jaw Pain
  • Severe headaches
  • Tooth wear and damage
  • Tooth decay
  • Difficulty chewing
  • Sleep apnea

How to fix an overbite

It is easier to treat an overbite when it is caught early on in life, before the jaw has completely grown and developed. Traditional braces are the most common form of treatment for this condition. However, in more severe case, jaw surgery is often needed.

Call Freytag Orthodontics Today!

Give our office a call today if you have an overbite and would like to learn more about your treatment options! (520)-365-6703

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