An overbite is a form of malocclusion characterized by the upper teeth excessively overlapping the lower teeth. Malocclusions refer to misalignments between the upper and lower teeth. Genetic factors can contribute to overbites, but they may also develop from prolonged habits like pacifier use, bottle-feeding, or thumb sucking. Overcrowded teeth or jaw structure abnormalities are common underlying causes of this condition.
Having an overbite is not uncommon, and something we see very often here at Freytag Orthodontics.
Different types of overbite
Overbites are a subset of malocclusions, which are misalignments of the jaw. There are two main categories of malocclusion classified as overbites:
- Class 1 Malocclusion (neutrocclusion)- This is the most common type of misalignment where the upper teeth go in front of the lower teeth. There is still a normal bite occurring with a class 1 malocclusion.
- Class 2 Malocclusion (distocclusion)- When the upper jaw and teeth more severely overlap the lower teeth and jaw. The term “buck teeth” or “overjet” is often associated with this type of bite issue.
To learn more about the different types of malocclusions, click here.
What does the term “overjet” mean?
Many people hear the term overjet and assume it’s the same thing as an overbite. Although they are related, they do not have the same definition. An overjet is the distance that the top teeth are sitting in front of the lower teeth. For example, a normal overjet is three millimeters. People with a severe overjet may have a measurement of ten milometers! Overbites and overjets go hand in hand with one another.
Why it’s important to correct an overbite
Correcting an overbite is more than just changing the physical appearance of a someone’s smile. It can positively impact a person’s overall health and well-being. Depending on the severity of the malocclusion, overbites can lead to:
- Jaw Pain
- Severe headaches
- Tooth decay
- Tooth wear and damage
- Difficulty chewing
- Sleep apnea
How can an Orthodontist fix an overbite?
Early detection of an overbite, before the jaw has fully developed, typically leads to easier treatment. While traditional braces and rubber bands are the most common approach, severe cases may require jaw surgery. The type of treatment used will depend on the overbite’s severity and the patient’s age.
At Freytag Orthodontics, we specialize in treating overbites and all types of malocclusions. Our team of experts is dedicated to helping you achieve a more comfortable and confident smile. We offer personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s unique needs.
Visit our office free of charge!
Schedule a free consultation today to learn how Dr. Freytag can help improve your oral health and enhance your smile. During your visit, we will take complementary x-rays of your teeth and jaw, discuss treatment options, and answer any questions you may have about the process.
Don’t let an overbite impact your health and self-confidence. Contact Freytag Orthodontics today to take the first step towards a healthier, more beautiful smile!