Freytag Orthodontics Blogs

Freytag Blog

Welcome to the Freytag Orthodontics blog, where we answer your questions and provide information about orthodontics and oral health.

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Electric Toothbrush

Benefits of Switching to an Electric Toothbrush

Let an electric tooth brush do most of the work for you and keep your teeth sparkly clean. Learn why and how an electric brush is more efficient and effective.

Read More About Benefits of Switching to an Electric Toothbrush

How To Keep Your Gums Healthy and Avoid Gum Disease

Good oral hygiene applies to so much more than just your teeth. Healthy gums also contribute to a smile that will last a lifetime. Learn more.

Read More About How To Keep Your Gums Healthy and Avoid Gum Disease
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The Harms of Nail Biting | Tips to Eliminate the Habit

Maybe you were a nail biter when you were younger, but do you still do it? Nail biting is harmful for a number of reasons. Learn more and get Dr. Freytag’s tips to stop the habit.

Read More About The Harms of Nail Biting | Tips to Eliminate the Habit
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Tucson Holiday Season Favorites | Local Merriment

It’s holiday season, and at Freytag Orthodontics, we encourage families to get out and enjoy all the festivities. Check out our list of fun events taking place in and around Tucson.

Read More About Tucson Holiday Season Favorites | Local Merriment
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What is an Impacted Tooth?

Having an impacted tooth is actually more common than most people think. The term refers to a tooth that hasn’t come in as expected due to spacing in the mouth or it moving in the wrong direction. Read on to learn what causes impacted teeth and how to fix them.

Read More About What is an Impacted Tooth?